Magaldrate 540 mg + Simethicone Emulsion 50 mg + Oxetacaine10 mg

For the treatment of various gastrointestinal issues such as acidity, bloating, and pain associated with gastritis or peptic ulcers, this combination of HILCID-O is commonly used.

Components and benefits of HILCID-O

Magaldrate 540mg

  • Category: Antacid
  • Uses: Magaldrate works by neutralizing acid in the stomach, thereby relieving symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Mechanism of Action: Stomach Generation of Two Insoluble Hydroxides In the stomach, magnesium and magnesium acetate produce magnesium and aluminum insoluble hydroxides. This raises stomach pH and neutralizes stomach acid, reducing acidity and discomfort.

Simethicone Emulsion 50mg

  • Class: an agent preventing foaming
  • Uses: Simethicone is used to relieve bloating, pressure, and fullness associated with excessive gas.
  • Mechanism of Action: Simethicone reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles so they merge into bigger bubbles that can be more easily passed out by either flatus or belching.

Oxetacaine 10mg

  • Classification: anti-foaming agent
  • Applications: The medication simethicone can help assuage some of the negative effects of passing too much gas, including bloating, pressure, and fullness.
  • Mechanism of Action: Simethicone lowers the surface tension of gas bubbles so that they aggregate into larger bubbles, which are then expelled more easily through flatus or belching.

Combined Use and Benefits

  • It neutralizes stomach acid, thus reducing acidity and heartburn. Simethicone, Oxetacaine, and Magaldrate combined to provide complete relief from gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Simethicone relieves pain and bloating associated with gas.
  • Since oxytocin numbs the mucosal lining, it provides instant pain relief.


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